
替考拉宁治疗革兰阳性球菌重症肺炎的临床观察 被引量:7

Teicoplanin in Treatment of Severe Pneumonia by Gram-positive coccI:Clinical Observation
摘要 目的观察替考拉宁治疗革兰阳性球菌所致的重症肺炎疗效和安全性。方法对郑州大学第一附属医院2008年3月-2009年3月住院并被确诊为革兰阳性球菌肺炎40例患者,应用替考拉宁治疗,疗程10~14d,并进行治疗前与治疗后的临床症状及体征、不良反应的观察及临床疗效、细菌清除率的分析。结果痰培养共检出MRSA25株,MRSE4株,临床疗效的总有效率为85.0%,细菌清除率为66.7%;出现恶心、呕吐等胃肠道不适症状1例,占2.5%。结论替考拉宁治疗革兰阳性球菌肺炎疗效好,不良反应相对较低,使用较为安全。 OBJECTIVE To observe the efficacy and safety of teicoplanin in the treatment of severe pneumonia by Gram-positive cocci. METHODS A total of 40 severe patients presented with Gram-positive cocci pneumonia, who were diagnosed in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University during Mar 2008- Mar 2009, were given teicoplanin for 10-14 days, with observation of clinical manifestations, physical sign, and incidence of adverse reactions and analysis of the bacterial clearance rate, and clinical effects before and after the treatment. RESULTS MRSA was found in 25 cases and MRSE were found in 25 cases from sputum culture. The clinical efficacy rate was 85.0%, the bacterial clearance rate was 66. 7%. Only one patient(2. 5%) complicated with nausea and vomiting after treatment. CONCLUSIONS The application of teicoplanin in the treatment of Gram-positive bacterial pneumonia displays a better effect with safety and less adverse reaction.
作者 陆薇 张国俊
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期555-556,共2页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 替考拉宁 革兰阳性球菌 重症肺炎 临床观察 Teicoplanin Gram-positive cocci Severe pneumonia Clinical observation
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