Through the invetigations and the analysises on the bearing fruit state of a simple tree of perenial ,no pruning Prunus humilis , the results showed that the numder of fruit shoots was the basic factor making the product of a simple tree.The amounts of the base shoots and off shoots were different along with the tree growing older .When a tree growed for above four years old ,the numbers of the base shoots decrased ,the side shoots incrased and which became the main fruit shoots .The amounts of the bearing fruit of the fruit shoots guaranteed the product of the tree, the numbers of the bearing fruit at the joints of the tree formed the product of the fruuit shoots .The investigative results showed that thick fruit shoots ,heavy bearing fruit at the joints and longer shoots made a high product of a simple tree and these three factors formed the product of the tree.The three facts could be changed by pruning the shoots .The base shoots growed exuberanbtly which had a higher rate of bearing fruit ,Finaly the propsals for improving the products of fruit shoots and a simple tree were advanced .
Prumus humilis fruitshoots prdouct.