The periods of collecting the pollen,the peroids and conditions of preserving the pollen and the various periods of crossbreeding Prunus humilis were sludied.The results showed: The appropriate periods for gathering the pollen were at the periods of middle bud,big bud and early florescence becauce of its stroger vitality and germination.The best periods for collecting the pollen were found at the periods of big bud and early florescence.The longer the period of the storing pollen lasted,the lower the vitality and the germination of the pollen became.The lifeforce and the germination of the pollen decreased slightly at the temperature of -17℃ and decreased considerably at the nomal indoor temperature.The proper storing periods of the pollen were two weeks at the nomal indoor temperature and three weeks at the temperature of -17℃ for at these periods the rates of the vitality and the germination decreased lower than 50%.The proper periods of the crossbreeding of Prunus humilis were found from the big bud to the next the bloom day and thd best time for the bybridization was at 10:00-12:00 in a day ,which had a highest rate of bearing fruit.
Prunus humilis pollen crossbreeding