
幼羔超早期繁殖技术研究 被引量:7

Study on Technique of Juvenile Lamb in Reproduction over Early
摘要 幼羔超早期繁殖技术是集幼羔超排、活体采卵、体外受精、胚胎移植等技术为一体的胚胎生物技术体系。诱导羔羊卵泡发育技术(简称“幼羔超排”)是根据性成熟前幼龄母羔(1~2月龄)卵巢对生殖激素敏感,卵泡发育很少发生闭锁的特殊生理特点而发明的一项高效率生产羊卵母细胞的新技术。作者从幼羔超早期利用的意义,幼羔超排、幼羔卵母细胞体外受精和胚胎移植等方面综述了目前幼羔超早期利用技术的现状及发展前景。 The techniqueuvenile of lamb reproduction over early is an integrative embryonic biotechnique system including superovulation, ovum pick-up, fertilization in vitro, embryo transfer etc. According to the characteristic of prepubertal lambs (1-2 month) ovaries, which are sensitive to hormone and have less atresia, the technique of induction lamb follicular development (shortened form "juvenile lambs superovulation") is effective in obtaining oocytes from sheep ovary. The prospect and present situation of over early use significance of juvenile lamb are overviewed from significance, superovulation, fertilization in vitro and embryo transfer etc aspects in this paper.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期21-25,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 河北省科技攻关项目子课题"河北肉用绵羊品种培育"(No.06220402D-3) 国家科技支撑计划"羔羊超排技术研究与产业化示范"(No.2008BADB2B10-3)
关键词 幼羔 超排 卵母细胞 胚胎 juvenile lambs superovulation oocyte embryos
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