
再探电子抽认卡对美国汉语初学者汉字记忆的影响 被引量:8

Rediscovering the Impacts of Digital Flashcard on Chinese Character Memorization of Beginning US Learners
摘要 抽认卡(flashcard)是西方汉语初学者常用的自助记忆工具,但它对汉字音、形、义记忆影响的实证研究却相对匮乏。针对笔者前期研究(Zhu & Hong,2005)未充分发掘的数据,本文以多元协方差分析替代了此前使用的双因素协方差分析,并发展了引入混合刺激、词像元等概念的新双重编码假想,进而检验、解释了不同形式的电子抽认卡对美国的汉语初学者生词字形、字音、字义记忆的影响,并呼吁业界同仁对抽认卡的研究给予更多关注。 The digital flashcard is one of the most prevalent self-study tools for beginning west- ern Chinese language learners to memorize Chinese characters. Nonetheless, research on the effect of flashcard on Chinese character memorization is relatively scarce. To explore the previously collected data (Zhu & Hong, 2005) more thoroughly, this paper substituted the 2-way ANCOVA, which was previously used, with multivariate ANCOVA, and developed an adapted dual-coding theory with coined concepts such as mixed stimuli and logo-image to examine and explain the effects of different formats of the digital flashcard on Chinese character memorization (form, pinyin and meaning) of US learners, h concludes with an appeal for further attention on the study in this direction.
作者 朱宇
出处 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期127-137,共11页 Chinese Teaching in the World
关键词 多媒体语言学习 抽认卡 汉字习得 双重编码理论 multimedia language learning, digital flashcard, Chinese character acquisition, du- al-coding theory
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