
协力行政的兴起及其行为型态探析 被引量:6

Rise of Cooperative Administration and Exploration into Its Conduct Pattern
摘要 协力行政可以说是与传统的干涉行政、给付行政以及计划行政相并列的新的行政类型。从行为角度来看,它是行政主体为谋求行政效益,作出借助私主体协力、配合达成既定行政目标的行政行为;从制度角度来看,它是现代行政国家为有效达成既定行政目标,通过吸纳私主体进入行政过程,双方相互协力、合作的手段、方式和途径的总称。 Cooperative administration is a new type of administrative pattern juxt aposed with traditional interference administration, payment administration and planning administration. From the perspective of conduct, it is a kind of administrative conduct to seek for administrative benefit by getting help from private subject's cooperation and coordination; from the perspective of system, it is the generalization of the mutual cooperation, cooperative method, style and path of the way of modem administrative state to absorb private subject into the administrative course.
作者 陈峰 黄学贤
机构地区 苏州大学法学院
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期74-80,共7页 Seeking Truth
基金 江苏省法学会项目"行政协助过程规制研究" 项目编号:SFH2008C01
关键词 协力行政 行为型态 参与行政 行政相对人身份的协力 公众身份的协力 cooperative administration conduct pattern participatory administration cooperation of administrative relative person' s identity cooperation of public identity
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