
文类视角下东北现代文学现代性演进 被引量:1

Modern Evolution of Modern Literature of Northeast China from the Perspective of Literary Category
摘要 东北近现代文学以其独特的地域特点为基础,在20世纪初开始了由传统向现代的转型,文类建设承载并具体体现了这一转型和相应的文学成就,在一些功能相对稳定的类型或范式上出现了集中的变化。这些范式质素的变化,在一个向量上体现着东北社会、文化面向现代性的转变;在另一向量上,指向东北文学内部:这些质素的消长转化,聚集了东北文学的现代之变,这些改变联结成东北文学的现代性进程,据此可以考察东北文学新的生态和成果。 Modem Literature of Northeast China is based on its unique location features and transforms from traditional to modern literature at the beginning of the 20th century. The construction of literary category realizes this transformation and relevant literary achievement. Some relatively stable categories or patterns collectively change functionally; in another dimension, the change points internally; these changing factors lead to the modern transformation of Literature of Northeast China, which gives rise to the modernized process of its literature and the new ecology and achievement in literature.
作者 薛勤
机构地区 辽宁社会科学院
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期107-112,共6页 Seeking Truth
基金 辽宁省社会科学联合会课题"东北现代文类建设与文学意识" 辽宁社会科学院2009年课题"清末民初东北报载文学的文类研究"
关键词 文类 东北近现代文学 现代性 Literary Category Modern Literature of Northeast China modernity
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