
医用控温毯物理降温影响重症脑卒中患者皮肤压疮发生率的研究及对策 被引量:13

Research in effect of physic temperature dropping by ice blanket on incidence of pressure ulcer of stroke patients in ICU
摘要 目的探讨医用控温毯进行物理降温过程中对神经内科重症脑卒中患者皮肤压疮发生率的影响,为进一步规范降温过程中的基础护理流程提供依据。方法将230例发热患者随机分为控温毯降温组108例与一般物理降温组122例,比较2组压疮的发生率及受压臀部的表皮温度。结果控温毯降温组压疮发生率和主要受压部位臀部的表皮控温期温度均显著低于一般物理降温组。结论控温毯进行单纯物理降温过程中可减少压疮的发生率;护理过程中采取平卧、小侧卧交替的方式即可达到减压目的。 Objective To explore effect of physic temperature dropping by ice blanket on incidence of pressure ulcer of stroke patients in ICU, and normalize the basic nursing procedure during temperature reduction. Methods 230 fever patients were randomly divided into the group A(control temperature with ice blanket,108 cases)and the group B (control temperature with routine measure,122 cases).The incidence of pressure ulcer and surface temperature of pressed position in the two groups were compared. Results The incidence of pressure ulcer and surface temperature of pressed position in group A was lower than those of group B. Conclusions The incidence of pressure ulcer can be reduced by using ice blanket for physic temperature dropping. The pressure of pressed position were descended by alternative prostration and lateral position.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2010年第2期9-12,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
基金 开封市科技计划项目立项资助课题(070316)
关键词 脑卒中 物理降温 压疮 Cerebral stroke Physic temperature dropping Pressure ulcer
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