The transition of the export-type economic industries is not independent nor free,but restrained by the organizational form and relationship arrangement among economical bodies in the global value chain (GVC). It is the only way proceeding from some correspondent GVC harnessing pattern and catching up the tendency of the dynamic adjustment of GVC harnessing pattern to find out a suitable rout for the transition of the export-type economical industries in China. The GVC harnessing pattern participated by three types of subject in the exporttype economy of the Pearl River delta area and its influence on the industrial transition present a micro mechanism of stimulation leading to escaping from the straits of industrial transition in the Pearl River delta area.Therefore,in order to settle the straits of industrial transition,it must not depend on the governmental propaganda or administrative decrees. The proper way should be to create and offer some suitable conditions and encouragements to the subjects of export-type economy for their industrial transition and upgrading.
Academic Research