目的研究急性有机磷农药中毒(AOPP)患者血、尿胱抑素C(CystatinC,CysC)的变化及临床意义。方法将41例AOPP患者根据中毒程度分为轻度AOPP组12例、中度AOPP组18例、重度AOPP组11例.选取对照组50例健康人分别做血、尿胱抑素C(Cys C)、血尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(SCr)和尿蛋白半定量(PRO)的检测,并进行对照分析。结果轻度AOPP患者血、尿CysC含量高于对照组(P〈0.05);中、重度AOPP患者血、尿CysC、血BUN、SCr均高于对照组(P〈0.01);41例AOPP患者尿CysC检测阳性率为100%,轻度AOPP患者尿蛋白半定量检测阳性牢为16.7%,中度AOPP患者为66.7%。结论血、尿CysC可作为判断AOPP肾小球和肾小管早期受损的指标,较mBUN、SCr和尿蛋白半定量敏感.对AOPP早期肾损伤诊断及治疗有最要意义.
Objective To study the ehanges and clinical significance of cystatin C (Cys C) in blood and urine of the patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning (AOPP). Methods To test and analyze cystatin C (Cys C)in blood and urine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) , serum creatinine (SCr), semi -quantitative urinary protein (PRO) in 41 AOPP cases including 12 cases of mihl poisoning group, 18 cases of moderate poisoning group, 11 cases of severe poisoning group, and the contrnl group of 50 healthy people. Results The blood and urinary Cys C levels were higher in mihl group than in contrul group, and the difference was statistically significant ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; the blood and urinary Cys C and serum BUN, SCr levels were higher in moderate and severe groups than in control group ( P 〈 0.01 ) ; positive rate of urinary- Cys C in 41 AOPP patients was 100% , positive rate of semi - quantitative urinary protein was 16.7% in mild AOPP patients and was 66.7% in moderate AOPP patients. Conclusion Blood and urinary Cys C could be used as an early indicator of glomerular and tubular damage in AOPP patients, and have higher sensitivity than blood BUN, SCr, senti -quantitative urine protein, and have an important significance in the diagnosis and treatment of early renal injury.
Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine