目的探讨血必净注射液对脓毒症患者高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high—density lipoprotein cholestero,HDL—C)水平的影响。方法将38例脓毒症合并低HDL—C血症患者随机分为两组,对照组19例予常规综合治疗,治疗组19例在对照组基础上加用血必净注射液,分别监测两组治疗前及治疗后3d、7d、10dm清HDL—C、载脂蛋白A,(apoAⅠ)及APACHEⅡ评分的动态变化,分析血必净注射液对脓毒症患者HDL—C水平预后的影响。结果治疗组7d、10d后HDL—C、apoAⅠ较用药前明显升高,与对照组比较差异亦有统计学意义(P〈0.05),APACHEⅡ评分降低,预后改善。结论血必净注射液能提高脓毒症患者体内HDL—C水平,在一定程度改善脓毒血症预后。
Objective To investigate the effects of xuebijing injection on septic patients' high- density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL - C). Methods 38 eases of septic patients with low HDL - C were randomly divided into two groups: the control group of 19 cases was given conventional treatment, and the treatment group of 19 cases was treated with xuebijing injection and conventional treatment. Before the treatment and 3, 7, 10 clay after the treatment, HDL - C, apolipoprotein A1 (apo A1 ) and APACHE H score in two groups were recorded and analyzed. Results 7, 10 day after the treatment, HDL - C and apo A1 of treatment group were significantly higher than those before the treatment. Compared with the control group, there were statistical differences in HDL- C and apo A1 (P 〈 0.05). APACHE Ⅱ score was lower, and the prognosis was improving. Conclusion Xuebijing injection in septic patients was able to improve the HDL - C levels and the prognosis of sepsis.
Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine