Currently the material balance method is usually used to determine the gas-in-place. Since it can only be used in the case of well off or single rate well, Duhatnel method is introduced to determine the dynamic gas-in-place in this paper and circular closed gas reservoir is taken as an example. Firstly it gives the derivation of the bottom-hole pressure of variable rate fluid flow in pseudo-steady-state by the Duhamel's principle which is used to solve the pl~+blem of variable rate fluid flow. Then combined with the fluid flow eharaeteristic of pseudo-steady-state in gas reservoirs, we can fetch the relationship equations between cumulative production and average reservoir pressure. Finally, c, lassical material balance method is used to determine the dynamic gas-in- place. A real gas production well is used to illustrate efficiency of this method. The results show that the method is efficient and workable in determining the dynamic reserve. Basic procedm^s of the new method are presented in this paper to determine the dynamic reserve of gas reservoir. The method has characteristics of simple and clear and can be used with fewer parameters. And the gas-in-plaee can be determined with well flowing. The method can be used both in stabilized rate and variable rate and can be extended to the applieation of other types of gas reservoirs.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field
material balance method, dynamic reserves, variable rate, Duhamel's principle, pseudo-steady-state.