
基于图像分割和SVD的数字水印算法 被引量:1

Digital Watermarking Techniques Based on Image Segmentation and SVD
摘要 利用图像分割法,提出了基于图像分割和SVD的数字水印算法。该算法将原始图像划分为许多不同的区域,对于不同的区域,分别采用同一区域块用统一的量化步长和同一区域用基于统计特性的自适应量化步长等两种形式对其进行分析。水印的提取不需要原始图像,并受到密钥的控制,不知道密钥就无法正确恢复水印。 a novel watermarking algorithm based on image segmentation and SVD is proposed using image segmentation. In the algorithm, the image can be divided into different regions. It is analysed by using two methods, one is using the same quantisation step in a region, and another is using the adaptive quantitation step based on the statistics of blocks in a region. The o- riginal image is not required for extracting the watermarking, during which those who don't know the secret key can't rightly retrieve the watermark.
作者 张金辉
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期146-150,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
基金 莆田学院基金(2006Z006)
关键词 图像分割 奇异值分解 数字水印 image segmentation singular value decomposition(SVD) digital watermarking
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