
三电平逆变器中性点电压精确调节的简化算法 被引量:11

Simplified Algorithm for Accurately Adjust Neutral Point Potential of Three-Level Inverter
摘要 为解决三电平逆变器中性点电压平衡问题,文中详细分析三电平逆变器空间矢量调制的基本原理,探讨影响其中性点电压平衡的主要因素,提出一种能够精确调节中性点电压的简化算法。该方法给出参考矢量所在区域的判断规则,采用首发矢量始终为距离参考电压矢量最近的正小矢量的七段式脉冲发送顺序,最后推导出用于精确调节中性点电压的小矢量冗余开关状态分配因子的定量计算公式。仿真结果验证该控制方法是有效可行的。 In order to solve the neutral point potential balance problem of three-lever inverter, the basic principle of space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) for three-level inverter is described, the main reason for the unbalancing of DC-side capacitor voltages is discussed, and a simplified algorithm which can accurately adjust the neutral point potential is proposed. In this method the rules for judging where the reference vector is located are given, the seven-segment pulses sending order is adopted in which first vector is always the positive small vector which is nearest to the reference vector, and at last a quantitative formula is deduced for the distribution factor of small vector's redundant states which is used for accurately adjusting the neutral point potential. The proposed SVPWM method is verified by the simulation results.
出处 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期54-59,共6页 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
基金 黑龙江省青年科学技术专项资金项目(Q706C034)
关键词 空间矢量调制 三电平逆变器 中性点电压 分配因子 space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM) ~ three-level inverter neutral point potential distribution factor
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