
五自由度光电鼠标:能实现三维空间交互的新型USB鼠标的设计与实现 被引量:3

Five-Degree-of-Freedom Optical Mouse:Design and Implementation of a Novel 3D Interactive USB Mouse
摘要 为满足虚拟现实、网络游戏和手术模拟等的需求,本文设计并实现了一种能实现三维空间交互的新型五自由度USB光电鼠标,该鼠标在传统二维鼠标的基础上增加2个自由度,这2个自由度以滚轮的形式分布在鼠标的两侧,分别实现绕X轴和Y轴的旋转,从而实现5个自由度的交互输入.文中给出了硬件电路、固化程序、驱动程序、样机和应用系统的设计等.该鼠标完全兼容传统的二维鼠标,接入计算机就能直接当传统的二维鼠标使用,安装新的驱动程序后能实现三维交互输入,并且不再另外需要二维鼠标的配合,单手操作即可.实验表明:该五自由度三维鼠标交互输入的效果良好,并且操作简单方便. A novel USB optical mouse is designed and realized for 3D interactive input, in order to meet a strong demand for virtual reality ,3D games and surgical simulation. This mouse has two more degrees of freedom than the traditional 2D mouse. The two extra degrees of freedom are added on the two sides of the mouse in the form of wheels to fulfill inputs of rotations around the X and Y axes, so there are five degrees of freedom. The hardware, fumware, device driver as well as applications of this mouse are discussed in this paper. This mouse is fully compatible with the standard 2D mouse and can be used as a 2D mouse without additional drivers. With the new driver, it is a 3D interactive input device which doesn't need an additional 2D mouse, so it can be operated with just one hand. Testing experiments with the prototype of the 3D USB optical mouse show that the five-degree-of-freedom interactive input device has good performance and convenient operation.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期460-464,共5页 Acta Electronica Sinica
关键词 计算机交互输入设备 USB光电鼠标 五自由度 interactive input device USB optical mouse five degrees of freedom
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