
制备条件对玉米醇溶蛋白和小麦谷朊粉复合膜性能的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Preparing Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Composite Film Based on Zein and Gluten
摘要 研究了玉米醇溶蛋白添加量、PEG400添加量、液固比、温度对由玉米醇溶蛋白和小麦谷朊粉制得的复合膜性能的影响。结果表明:复合膜断裂延伸率与抗拉强度分别在玉米醇溶蛋白添加量为20%和60%时达到最大值;复合膜断裂延伸率和抗拉强度随着PEG400添加量的增加分别增大和减小;复合膜断裂延伸率在加热处理温度为60℃时达到最大值,而复合膜抗拉强度随着加热处理温度升高逐渐增大;复合膜断裂延伸率和抗拉强度在液固比为8:1时分别达到最小值和最大值。 Effect of the ratio of zein, plasticizer, temperature, liquid/solid ratio on the properties of composite film based on zein and gluten was studied. The results showed that Elongation (E) and Tensile Strength (TS) of the film was biggest when the ratio of zein was 20% and 60% respectively ; E of the film increased along with PEG 400 added gradually, but TS was reduced; E of the film was biggest when the treat temperature of protein solution was 60℃ and TS increased constantly as the temperature was raised; E of the film was smallest and TS was biggest while liquid/solid ratio was 8:1.
出处 《粮食加工》 2010年第1期60-62,86,共4页 Grain Processing
关键词 玉米醇溶蛋白 小麦谷朊粉 复合膜 制备 zein gluten composite film manufacture
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