
娘子关泉域周丛藻类春季生物量分布特征 被引量:1

Distribution Characteristics of Biomass on Periphytyon in Spring of Niangziguan
摘要 娘子关是我国北方最大的冷水泉,位于山西省平定县,地处太行山中段,37°20′~38°20′N,113°~114°E,出露于桃河与温河汇流地段,泉域面积3600km2.我们于2006年3月对娘子关泉域的周丛藻类进行了2次采集,共得标本58瓶,并对各采集点的水体理化因子进行了检测.通过对生物量的测量得出平阳湖生物量最多,达1522.710kg,比其他采集点的生物量的总和还多;第二是五龙泉,为155.022kg;第三是苇泽关泉,为85.847kg;第四是水帘洞泉,为81.672kg;第五是滚泉,为69.120kg;第六是城西河滩,为22.602kg;最后是坡底,为1.496kg.并将各水体理化因子与各采集点生物量的分布做了相关性分析,发现各采集点总生物量与溶氧有显著相关,与pH、河深有极显著的相关性.其中,与pH(r=-0.881,P〈O.01)为负相关,与溶氧(r=0.840,P〈0.05)、河深(r=0.914,P〈0.01)为正相关,与水温、电导、流速没有明显的相关性。 Niangziguan is the largest spring of rock dissolved,located in Pingding County of Shanxi Province,It situated in the middle of Taihang Mountain(37°20′~38°20′N,113°~114°E)and in the junction of Tao river and Wen River. The total square is 3 600 km2. We sampled 2 times on biomass of algae in Niangziguan in March of 2006. Fifty-eight bottles of alage were got. Biomass in Pingyang lake is the most, 1 522. 710 kg,more than the total bio- mass in other sits. The biomass of Wulong spring is the second, 155. 022 kg. The third is the Weiziguan spring,85. 847 kg. The Fouth is the waterfall, 81. 672 kg. The fifth is Gun spring, 69. 120 kg. The sixth is the Chengxi spring,22. 602 kg. The last is the Podi spring,1. 496 kg. We made correlation analysis between the physico-chemical factors of the water and biomass of each location. The results showed that the biomass has more obvious relativity with pH and the deep the water than dissolverd oxygen. While pH is negative correlation(r=- 0. 881, P= 0.01),dissolving oxygen(r=0.840,P=0.05) and river deep(r=0.914,P=0.01) are positive correlation. Not any other facters were found which have any correlation with biomass.
出处 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2009年第4期129-133,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 山西省高校科技开发项目(2007147)
关键词 娘子关 周丛藻类 生物量 Niangziguan periphytyon biomass
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