[ Objective] The aim of this study was to solve the problem of photographing small flowers and fruits with a common digital camera in field. [Method] Firstly, the photographic mode of a common digital camera was set as "macro" (or "soft snap" ) and "flash off". Secondly, the small flower or fruit was magnified with a magnifying glass, and then the magnified flower or fruit was automatically focused with the digital camera lens. After automatic focusing, the shutter button was pressed and the photograph finished. [Result] With this method, the clear inflo- rescence or floral photographs of Eragrostis pilosa ( Gramineae ) , Bidens biternata (Compositae) and Tribulus terrester (Zygophllaceae) were obtained in field. [ Conclusion] The optical system of a digital camera has been changed by the magnifying glass, which improves the photographic function of a common digital camera to small flowers and fruits, and also easily gets their clear photographs.
[目的]解决在野外难以用普通数码相机拍摄出微小花果清晰照片的问题。[方法]先将普通数码相机的拍摄模式设置为"微距"(或"柔和人像"),关闭闪光灯。然后,用放大镜将要拍摄的花果放大,再用数码相机的镜头对着被放大的花果进行自动对焦。当液晶屏上显示出对焦完成的绿框,且此时液晶屏上的花果图像变得比较清晰时,则可按动快门按钮进行拍摄。照片拍摄好后,可在电脑上对照片进行选择、剪辑或放大等后期处理。必要时,也可以用专业的图片处理软件对照片进行处理。[结果]利用此方法,在野外对画眉草(Eragrostis pilosa)、金盏银盘(Bidens biternata)和蒺藜(Tribulus terrester)的花序或花进行拍摄,均能获得比较理想的照片。[结论]通过加置放大镜改变数码相机的光学系统,可以改善普通数码相机对微小花果的拍摄功能,能很容易地拍摄到微小花果的清晰照片。
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation(30770124)~~