
玻璃和玉石之路——兼论先秦前硅酸盐质文物的中、外文化和技术交流 被引量:33

The Glass and Jade Road——The Cultural and Technical Exchange of Silicate Based Artifacts with Outside China before Pre-Qin Period
摘要 重点介绍了中国古代玻璃的产生与发展和参与中、外文化和技术的交流.列举了出土于新疆拜城克孜尔的中国境内最早的玻璃珠是属于吸收古代西方制造玻璃的方法和玻璃的成分配方在当地制造的,时间在西周末和春秋初(1000B.C.~800B.C.).中国最早的镶嵌(蜻蜓眼)玻璃珠是出土于河南淅川徐家岭和湖北随县擂鼓墩墓地,年代属战国初期(~500B.C.).从最近的分析研究表明,属于从西方引进的,它促进了200年后中国古代自制的镶嵌玻璃的产生.文中又讨论了中国古代玉石和颜料的来源与中外交往的关系.分析了古代绿松石、软玉和作颜料的金青石的中国和国外的产地和来源以及历史上使用的情况,认为中国的古代绿松石有可能来自波斯(古代伊朗),时间在西周以前(〉1500B.C.);而青金石来自阿富汗,时间在春秋战国之际(800B.C.~200B.C.).指出中国中原在夏、商之间玉器的玉料突然以透闪石型软玉为主,认为玉料来自新疆和田.北方古代玉器也有可能采用俄罗斯西伯利亚贝加尔湖畔的透闪石型软玉.根据考古资料,提出在公元前1500~500年间古代玻璃器以及玉石材料从西向东和从北到南的转移路线图,这也是以古代草原之路为基础,从西亚和中亚进入中国内地.简单讨论了中、外在青铜和彩陶上的相互影响,其文化和技术的交流也是通过早期原型的玻璃和玉石之路.讨论了原史时期欧亚间的游牧部落的来往和技术交流的作用. In this paper the emphasis has been put on materials sources and making technology origins of ancient Chinese glasses and their relationship of technical exchange with outside China. The most early ancient glass beads unearthed form Kiziltur' s grave-- yard of Xinjiang Province, China in the time of the West Zhou to Spring and Autumn Period (1100--800B. C. ), were made locally, the glass making technique was from West Asia. The most early compound glass beads (eye--beads) dated to the early Warring States Period (~500B. C. ) were unearthed from Xu Jialing Tomb in Xichuan County of Henan Province and Leigudun graveyard, Sui County, Hubei Province. By nondestructive analyses their chemical composition belonged to soda--lime silicate system. By comparing the decorative design and application of color agent, the ancient eye--beads in Xichuan were imported form the ancient Egypt, which promoted the glass compound (eye) bead making technology in China later on. The sources of ancient Chinese Jade stones and pigment materials, as well as their exchange with outside China were discussed in this paper. By analyzing the material origin, sources and application of jade stones of nephrite, turquoise and lapis lazuli, it can be considered that the ancient pigment materials of lapis lazuli was came form the Afghanistan, the turquoise jade stones possibly were imported from the Persia (ancient Iran). The suddenly increase the jade artifacts of nephrites with tremolite minerals between Xia and Shang dynasties indicates that the nephrite minerals were came from a new source, probably from Hetian, Xinjiang. According to archaeological materials, a road map of transportation of ancient glasses and jade stones from West to East, in 1500~500 B. C has been proposed; it was also the ancient steppe road connected Western Asia and Central Asia with Inner China. The mutual influences of ancient bronze and color painted pottery between West and East are discussed, their cultural and technical exchange were along the early Proto-- Glass Jade Road. The movement of steppe nomad tribes and technical exchange in Eurasia in proto--history period was discussed.
作者 干福熹
出处 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第4期6-17,共12页 Journal of Guangxi Minzu University :Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(50672106) 中国科学院知识创新工程基金(KJCX3.SYW.N12)
关键词 古代玻璃 玉石和颜料 中外交流 ancient glass jade and pigments exchange between China and abroad
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