The effect of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and Bradyrhizobium on induction of Para-nodule in wheat roots
The effect of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and Bradyrhizobium on induction of Para-nodule in wheat roots
The investigation was conducted to know the effect of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and inoculation on Para-nodule formation and growth parameters in wheat. Formation of nodular outgrowth on the roots of wheat seedlings treated with 2, 4-D commenced in 8-10 days. The maximum Para-nodule formation was found in 1 ppm of 2, 4-D when incubated with bradyrhizobium P-132. Inoculation of the same has helped to increase the number of Para-nodule, but not essential for Para-nodulation. Histological study shows that, these induced Para-nodules originated from the pericycle and these are appeared to be modified lateral roots and Para-nodule structure formations however, it enhanced by bradyrhizobial inoculation.
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