
成年母牛体况评分及其影响因素分析 被引量:22

The Analysis of Body Condition Score of Holstein Cow and its Effect Factors
摘要 体况评分(BCS)是评价奶牛饲养效果好坏、营养代谢正常与否的标志,也是奶牛健康与否的标志之一。体况评分为制订下一阶段的饲养管理措施提供重要依据,同时也受到很多因素的影响。本文旨在研究不同胎次、干奶期、泌乳期、不同的泌乳阶段等影响因素对奶牛体况评分的影响。测定本场2009年3月共219头胎次在0~6胎的中国荷斯坦奶牛体况评分,应用SPSS15.0软件对不同胎次、干奶期、泌乳期、不同的泌乳阶段等影响因素对奶牛体况评分的影响加以分析。结果表明:胎次对奶牛BCS的影响不显著(p>0.05);干奶期和泌乳期对奶牛BCS的影响极显著(p<0.01);泌乳阶段对BCS的影响极显著(p<0.01)。因此提示在实际的生产中应灵活调控各影响因素对体况评分的影响,提高母牛生产性能。 Body condition score (BCS) was the sign that evaluated raising quality and nutrient metabolism of dairy cow, and the one of the sign whether the cows were healthy or not. Body condition score provided important proof to make measures of breeding management for next stage and was affected by many factors as well. This study aimed at studying the factors including different parity, dry period and lactation period, the different stage of lactation influencing the body condition score. Data from 219 Chinese Holstein whose parity range from 0 to 6 were collected to determine body condition score in March 2009. The study analyzed the influence factor of body condition score including different parity, dry and lactation period, the different stage of lactation by SPSS15.0. The results showed that the different parity had no significant effect on BCS(p^0.05), the dry and lactation period had significant effects (p〈0.01), the different stages of lactation had significant effects (p〈0.01 ) on body condition score. Therefore, in actual practice, we should control the effect of these factors to body condition score in order to elevate the growth performance of Holstein cow.
出处 《乳业科学与技术》 2010年第1期42-45,共4页 JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
关键词 中国荷斯坦奶牛 体况评分 胎次 干奶期 泌乳期 泌乳阶段 Chinese Holstein, body condition score (BCS), parity, dry period, lactation period, the stage of lactation
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