本研究对蒲螨属9个种群15个个体的线粒体DNA上细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COI)进行克隆测序。对获得的15个COI中453 bp基因序列,利用PHYLIP与MEGA核酸分析软件,以与蒲螨相近类群的前气门亚目叶螨科泰安地区的二斑叶螨(Tetranychus urticae)作为外群,分别采用UPGMA及NJ法构建分子系统树。根据分子系统树及种群间进化分歧数建议:属于球腹蒲螨群的6个种群,可以分为3个独立的种。通过蒲螨的系统发育辅助形态学分类,解决了单纯依据形态学方法很难鉴定近缘种的难题。
The cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA of 15 mites in 9 populations of Pyemotes were cloned and sequenced. 453 bp region of the CO1 gene acquainted in 15 mites was analyzed. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using UPGMA and NJ in PHYLIP3.6 and MEGA3.1 package, respectively, and Tetranychus urticae sampled from Taian which was similar to Pyernotes was used as outgroup. According to phylogenetic trees and evolutionary divergence, 6 populations in P. ventricosus group were divided into 3 independent species. It was difficult to identify the similar species of Pyemotes only by the morphological features, while the phylogeny could assist to solve the problem.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences