
火源对单室轰燃影响的模拟研究 被引量:5

Numerical simulation of effect of ignition source on flashover in a single room
摘要 采用FDS模拟热释放速率不同的火源导致单室轰燃的情况。模拟分始终燃烧和火源仅燃烧一段时间两种状况。模拟得出使房间发生轰燃的临界火源热释放速率以及火源热释放速率与发生轰燃时间之间的乘幂函数关系。火源不持续燃烧时火源热释放速率与使房间发生轰燃的临界火源供热时间也存在乘幂函数关系。发生轰燃时间大于喷头动作时间,所以安装喷淋能有效抑制轰燃。 The flashover induced by different ignition source in single room was simulated by FDS. The 2 situations of ignition source burns all time or part time were simulated. The critical Heat Release Rate(HRR) to induce flashover and the power function between HRR and time to flashover were achieved by simulation. The HRR and critical burn dine of ignition source has relation of power function when ignition source burns part time. The sprinkler system could restrain the happen of flashover since the sprinkler could act before flashover happened.
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期8-12,共5页 Fire Science and Technology
基金 公安部应用创新计划项目"基于新型建筑装饰材料的室内特殊火灾研究"(2009YYCXWJXY112)
关键词 单室 轰燃 热释放速率 FDS single room flashover heat release rate FDS
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