Objective:To investigate the feasibility of fibrocholedochoscopic cholelithotomy through the cystic duct under laparoscopy for secondary choledoeholithiasis. Methods:From Jul. 2006 to Jun. 2009 32 patients who were diagnosed as cholecystolithiasis and secondary choledocholithiasis by magnetic resonance eholangiopaucreatography were treated by fibrocholedochoscopie cholelithotomy through the cystic duct under laparoscopy. Results:Thirty-two cases of common bile duct calculi were completely removed by laparoseopy. No residual stones or complications were found. Conclusions: Fibrocholedocboscopic cholelithotomy through the cystic duct under laparoseopy is a miui-invasive, safe, effective and ideal operative method in treatment of choledocholithiasis secondary to cholecystolithiasis. It worths extension in well equipped and technique specified hospital.
Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery