目的研究原发性高血压与心律失常的关系。资料与方法将襄樊市中心医院住院确诊为原发性高血压的80例患者进行24 h动态心电图(DCG)检测,并把同期门诊诊治的高血压前期且伴有头晕心悸的31例患者作为对照组进行检测。结果高血压组DCG除2例外均有心律失常发生(98%)。结论:高血压患者进行动态心电图监测易发现心律失常。对高血压患者而言,在有效控制血压的基础上,防止左房左室扩大,改善心肌供血状况,是降低心律失常发生率的一个重要手段。
Purpose: Study on the relation of hyperpietic and arrhythmia. Data And Method: To Collate 24 Hour Of DCG (Dynamic Cardiogram) examination of the 80 primary hypertension Diagnosed Hyperpietic patients And 31 hypertension prophase companion with dizziness and palpitations. Result: 29 hypertension patients have arrhythmia. Conclusion: It is easy for Hypertension patients to suffer arrhythmia. For Hypertension Patients, it is an importance way to reduce arrhythmia ratio that to prevent left atrium and left ventricle from enlarging and to improve Cardiac Muscle Supply Blood Status
Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College