
基于语义的Data Cube数字水印技术

The Watermarking Data Cube Based on Semantic
摘要 数字水印技术可以有效地保护版权,数据仓库中用于OLAP(OnLine Analyti-cal Processing,联机分析处理)的Data Cube(数据立方体,亦称多维数据集)不仅包含有价值的数据,而且其设计模式与分析模式也体现了Data Cube拥有者的知识产权.将数字水印技术引入Data Cube中,并充分利用Data Cube的语义信息,从而提供一个通用、实用的Da-ta Cube数字水印技术解决方案. Digital Watermark can protect copyright effectively. Data Cube, which used for OLAP in Data Warehouse, contains not only valuable data but also design pattern and analytical pattern, which declare the owner's intellectual property rights. This article provides a common and practical scheme for watermarking Data Cube by merging digital watermark technology into Data Cube and using semantic information of Data Cube fully.
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期70-73,共4页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
基金 广东省产学研资助项目(2007A090302079)
关键词 数字水印 语义 数据立方体 版权 digital watermarking semantics data cube copyrights
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