目的:探索系统保留盆腔自主神经的广泛性子宫切除术(systematic nerve sparing radical hysterectomy,SNSRH)对术后膀胱、直肠及性功能的保护作用。方法:选取2007年11月~2009年4月宁夏医科大学附属医院收治的44例宫颈癌及子宫内膜癌患者,A组24例行SNSRH,B组20例行传统根治性子宫切除术,观察SNSRH成功率,两组术后膀胱、直肠和性功能情况。结果:(1)A、B两组严格遵循Ⅲ型子宫切除术标准,手术切除范围无差异;(2)30例行SNSRH,成功保留盆腔自主神经(PAN)24例,失败6例,成功率80%;(3)A、B组平均手术时间、术中出血量差异无统计学意义;A、B组平均留置尿管时间、术后残余尿量、排气排便时间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);(4)A组术后性功能障碍发生率明显低于B组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:系统保留PAN的广泛性子宫切除术对术后膀胱、直肠及性功能的恢复有一定的保护作用。
Objective :To investigate the feasibility of the technique for sparing the pelvic autonomic nerve(PAN) on postsurgical bladder, rectum and sexual function. Methods:Forty four cases of cervical cancer and endometrial cancer patients between November 2007 and April 2009 in Ningxia Medical University Hospital were selected. All cases were divided into two groups(group A and B). 24 cases of group A underwent SNSRH and 20 cases of group B underwent radical hysterectomy. The success rate of SNSRH and their bladder, rectum and sexual function after the operation were observed. Results: ( 1 ) There was no difference between group A and group B in the excision extent, both of which according to the standard of III hysterectomy. ( 2 ) There were 24 cases of successful retention of PAN and six cases of failure, the success rate of 80%. (3) There were no significant differences between group A and group B of the average operation time and bleeding was during the operation;there were significant differences belween group A and group B of the media duration of postoperative catheterization, the postoperative residual urine volume,the first exhaust time and the first stool time(P〈0.05). (4)The incidence of sexual dysfunction of patients in group A was significantly lower than that of group B, with a significant difference ( P〈0.05 ). Conclusion: During radical hysterectomy, sparing the PAN can benefit the bladder,rectum and sexual function.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cervical neoplasms
Endometrial neoplasms
Pelvic auto nomic nerve