
Bain环路对单肺通气时血气值及肺分流量的影响 被引量:6

Influence of Bain Circuit on the Blood Gas and Q ·s/ Q ·t during One lung Ventilation
摘要 目的与方法:选择22例术前肺功能正常和轻度损害肺叶切除手术的病人,观察单肺通气(OLV)期间术侧肺加用Bain环路行持续气道正压通气(CPAP)对Qs/Qt和氧合的影响。结果与结论:不用Bain环路的Ⅰ组病人,术侧肺完全萎缩,PaO2、PVO2均明显降低,分别为双肺通气(TLV)时的63%和74%(P<0.05),A-aDO2和Qs/Qt升高,说明低氧血症与OLV时严重肺内分流有关。而在术侧肺加用Bain环路者(Ⅱ组)上述变化表现极其轻微(P>0.05),这是因为氧能以一定的压力和流速持续吹入术侧肺泡,使其扩张并进行气体交换,在纠正低氧血症和降低Qs/Qt方面,其效果非常明显,且操作简便易行。 Objective and Methods:22 adult patients scheduled for elective pulmonary resection, with normal or slightly abnormal pulmonary function, were studied to determine whether CPAP via Bain circuit on the lung of operative side nonventilated lung during one lung anesthesia would reduce intrapulmonary shunting ( Q ·s/ Q ·t) and improve arterial oxygen desaturation. Results: The significant differences were observed in PaO 2 and PvO 2, A aDO 2 and Q ·s/ Q ·t between the patients in whom oxygen was not insufflated (group Ⅰ) and those in whom oxygen was insufflated (group Ⅱ) via Bain circuit. Group Ⅰ, when the lung was deflated, had significantly lower PaO 2 and PvO 2 and higher A aDO 2 and Q ·s/ Q ·t. Conclusion:Hypoxemia is due to greatly increased venous admixture through the lung of operative side. Because oxygen could be unintermitently insufflated into the pulmonary alveoli through Bain circuit, gas exchange was completed on the site of expansive alveoli leading to the reduction of Q ·s/ Q ·t and hypoxemia.
出处 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1998年第6期352-354,共3页 Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
基金 国家教委
关键词 Bain环路 血气分析 肺分流 肺叶切除 单肺通气 Bain circuit One lung ventilation Blood gas analysis Shunting
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