目的利用假孕小鼠建立小鼠行经模型,并与以往的小鼠行经模型做对比。方法NIH雌鼠与输精管结扎的NIH雄鼠晚间合笼交配,翌日晨见阴栓为假孕第0天。第3.5天于左侧子宫角注射25μl花生油诱导蜕膜化,右侧子宫角为对照;第5.5天切除双侧卵巢(作为0 h),分别在0、8、12、16、24、32和48 h各时点行颈椎脱臼处死小鼠,收集子宫,观察组织形态学,阴道细胞学涂片观察出血情况。结果子宫在0 h可见广泛蜕膜化;8 h上皮有部分脱落,部分蜕膜化细胞出现核固缩;12 h子宫腔上皮基本脱落,核固缩凋亡坏死的区域继续扩大;1 6 h可见蜕膜化组织崩解;24 h崩解组织剥离;32 h组织开始修复;48 h组织修复完好。血清孕酮(P)浓度在切除卵巢后8 h开始快速下降,48 h降至0 h浓度的1/7。结论利用假孕小鼠人工诱导蜕膜化后,切除双侧卵巢可以模拟子宫内膜崩解脱落和再生。
Objectives: To establish a menstruation model in pseudopregnant mice and compare with the previous mouse model of menstruation.
Methods: Virgin pseudopregnancy. The 25 μl araehis oil was decidualization, while female morning injected the right mice were mated overnight with vasectomized males to induce when vaginal plug detected was designated as day 0 of pseudopregnancy. into the lumen of the left uterine horn of each mouse to induce horn was left untreated to serve as a negative control. Mice wer eovarectomized on day 5. 5 of pseudopregnancy (regarded as 0 dis his location at 0, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 and 48 h after surgery. h). Mice were sacrificed by cervical The uterine horns were removed and tological changes were observed at each time interval. Vaginal smear examinations were performed to monitor the endometrial bleeding.
Results: The mouse endometrium had undergone extensive decidualization at 0 h. At 8 h, the epithelial cells showed focal breakdown and shedding. Karyopycnosis appeared in the decidual tissue. The epithelium was shedding and the pyenosis continued to extend at 12 h. The decidual tissue was brokendown at 16 h and sloughed into the uterine lumen at 24 h. The tissue began to regenerate from the basal zone at 32 h and repaired completely at 48 h. The progesterone level in serum started to decline extremely from 8 h and reached 1/7 of the initial level at 48 h after surgery. Conclusions: The breakdown and regeneration of endometrium in pseudopregnant mouse with artificial deeidualization can be provoked by ovarectomization.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine