in order to analyse the relationshipbetween the E-CD、CEA and gastric cancer metastasis,we tested the E-CD protein expression in gastriccancer sample and serum CEA level in 31 cases ofadvanced gastric carcinomas with immunohistochemistry SABC and ELISA methods. It showedthat END protein expression related with the gastric cancer differentiation. Borrmann types. gastriclylnpha node metastasis and peritoneum dissemination while the PO8itive rate of serum CEA relatedwith the tumor volume.hepatic metastasis and peritoneum dissemination. Both of the E-CD and POstiverate of serum CEA related with the peritoneal exfoliated cancer cell. So we conclude that the reduced expression or short of E-CD and the rise of serumCEA promote the gastric carcinomas metastasis.Keyweeds gastric cancer; metastasis; E-CD; CEA; peritoneal exfoliated cancer cell
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)