
日本中老年妇女174人前臂骨密度及某些相关因素分析 被引量:1

A Study on Bone Mineral Density of Forearm and Some Related Factors in 174 Middle aged and Aged Japanese Women
摘要 目的:探讨日本中老年妇女前臂骨密度(BMD)随增龄变化的特点及与其相关的某些因素。方法:使用美国Hologic公司的DTX100型单能X线吸收仪(SXA)测定前臂BMD。体格及肌力测量包括身高、体重及握力。通过问卷获得有关日常身体活动及富含钙的食物摄入情况。结果:174名日本40~79岁健康妇女前臂BMD平均值随年龄而递减,50岁后骨损失加速。最高骨质累积丢失率为35.24%。多因素逐步回归分析显示在该人群中,年龄与前臂BMD呈显著负相关。握力、日常规律性运动习惯与前臂BMD呈显著正相关。而身高、体重及经常性含钙食物摄入习惯则与前臂BMD关系不密切。结论:很多因素影响中老年妇女BMD。对前臂BMD,年龄、肌肉的强度和日常规律性运动是较重要的影响因素。因此。 Objective: To measure the bone mineral density (BMD) of forearm and determine the factors associated with forearm BMD in 174 Japaneses women, age from 40 to 79 years. Methods: BMD was measured by single X ray absorptiometry (Hologic DTX 100). Physical and muscular strength measurements included body height, body weight, and grip strength. Data on daily physical activities and the food intake rich in calcium were obtained by a questionnaire. Results: Mean BMD of distal forearm decreased gradually from age 40 to 79, and an acceleration of bony loss could be seen after the age of 50 as well. The maximum rate of accumulative loss was 35.24%. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, the most significant predictors for forearm BMD were age (negative correlation), grip strength and daily regular exercise (positive correlation). Body weight, body height and frequent calcium intake were not associated with forearm BMD in this model. Conclusions: A large number of factors influence the bone mass of elderly women. Our findings suggest that maintaining adequate physical activity is very important for middle aged and aged women to prevent osteoporotic fractures.
出处 《新疆医学院学报》 1998年第4期280-283,共4页
关键词 前臂骨密度 中老年妇女 妇女 日本 骨质疏松 bone mineral density(BMD) of forearm middle aged and aged women Japan
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