Objective: To research the malignant tumor mortality of those workers who engaged in petrochemical occupation. Methods: The relevant data were provided by personnel department of Urumqi petrochemical workers factory and the cause of death was classified by ICD 90. To calculate the standardized mortality rate, we used the information of the second national census in 1964. All cases were diagnosed according to the first diagnosis or the second diagnosis. Results: During the past 21 years, the average crude death rate was 156.58/100000 per year, and the mortality rate of malignant tumor was the highest. With the age increasing, the mortality rate raised accordingly, and the mortality rate was not the same in different nationalities (χ 2=6.67, P<0.05). Conclusions: The mortality rate of leukemia in Urumqi petrochemical workers was higher than that of reference population, SMR=151, P<0.01.It shows that the risk of liability to leukemia is higher in this plants workers.