One novel multicast (2DTDBMR) is presented in algorithm called 2-D torus' dimensional bubble multicast routing this paper. According to the idea of the unicast and multicast communication operations supported by the same underlying routing strategy, the 2DTDBMR multicast algorithm based on torus' adaptive dimensional bubble routing (TADBR) algorithm is realized on the 2-D torus network. The multicast algorithm supports multicast packets to realize multi-destinations routing and packet's replications by the router, Furthermore, 2DTDBMR multicasting algorithm is deadlock-free. By the analysis of all possible situations of routing packets in the 2-D torus network, it is concluded that all kinds of packets can arrive at their destinations when the 2DTDBMR multicasting algorithm is accepted. The detail proof is provided for these conclusions in the paper. Lastly, the 2-D torus simulator called RingNetSim is adapted. The simulator realized the 2DTDBMR multicasting algorithm. At the same time, some traditional multicast routing algorithms are also realized in the simulator such as BRCP-HL algorithm, Hamilton algorithm, Umesh algorithm and so on: The performance of the 2DTDBMR on RingNetSim is tested. The performance of those multicast routing algorithms are evaluated by adopting different buffering space, communication models and arbitration algorithms. The results show that the 2DTDBMR algorithm owns preferable performance.
Journal of Computer Research and Development