
影响地方政府部门间信息共享的关系因素度量与分析 被引量:2

The Measurement and the Analysis on Relation Factors of Information Sharing among Departments of Local Government
摘要 本文在对我国地方政府部门间信息共享情况调查和对国内外相关研究的基础上,提出影响中国地方政府部门间信息共享的三个关系因素:正式关系,非正式关系和利益关系。建立相应的理论框架和假设,并对陕西省铜川市进行了实地问卷调查,根据得到的数据进行统计检验,选取小样本进行探索性因子分析,初步确定各关系因素度量的因子构成,然后使用大样本进行验证性因子分析,证明了理论框架以及关系因素度量因子结构的稳定性。并得出:信息依赖是最重要的正式关系,信任是最重要的非正式关系,收益是最重要的利益关系。 On the basis of interviews for government officers and the review of related researches, this paper brought forward three relationship factors to affect Chinese government departments' information sharing which include official relations, informal relations and profit relations. The corresponding theoretical framework and assumptions were established, and a field survey was carried out in Tongchuan city in Shannxi province. Test the statistical model with the data collected. A small sample was selected for exploratory factor analysis to determine the measurement of factors. Then, applied validated factor analysis with the large sample left to prove the theoretical framework and the stability of internal structure of relationship factors. Several conclusions are pointed out : the dependence of information is the most important official relation, trust is the most important informal relation, and revenue is the most important profit relation.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期128-135,共8页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 “十五”国家科技攻关计划项目:城市信息化关键技术集成及应用(课题编号:2004BA110B01).
关键词 关系因素 政府部门 信息共享 度量 relationship factors, government departments, information sharing, measurement
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