
规模和所有权视角下的中国钢铁企业动态效率研究——基于Malmquist指数 被引量:41

Study on Dynamic Efficiency of Steel and Iron Enterprises in China from Scale and Ownership Perspectives——Based on Malmquist TFP Index
摘要 本文利用DEA方法和Malmquist生产力指数,对我国45家钢铁企业2001-2005年间的生产力变化进行了估算,并从企业规模和所有制形式两个角度对钢铁企业的动态效率进行了分析。研究发现,我国钢企每年变化的效率却呈现不断改进的趋势,生产力逐渐改善的主要原因是技术进步;大型钢铁企业的效率变动并没有优于中小型企业;国有(控股)钢铁企业的动态效率下降,而民营企业的生产力稍有改进。其中,小型国有(控股)钢铁企业的效率水平成为制约钢铁企业生产力提升的关键。 This paper evaluates the changes of productivity of 45 Steel and Iron enterprises in China from 2001 to 2005 by the DEA approach and Malmquist productivity index, and analyzes the dynamic efficiency from two perspectives of Scales and Ownership. The paper finds that the changing trend of efficiency is rising year by year because of technical progress. The improvement of Malmquist TFP Index of big enterprises is not necessarily better than that of smaller ones, and Scale Efficiency of all enterprises is deteriorating. While efficiency of State -owned Enterprises is decreasing, pro- ductivity of private enterprises improves. The efficiency of 32 enterprises decrease, most of them are small SOEs. There- fore, small SOEs play a key role in the productivity improvement of steel and iron industry.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期150-157,共8页 China Soft Science
基金 985工程南开大学区域经济国家哲学社会科学创新基地资助项目(1052122004700007)
关键词 钢铁企业 生产效率 企业规模 所有权形式 MALMQUIST指数 steel and iron enterprises efficiency scale ownership malmquist index
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