
基于供应商选择的大规模网络供应能力研究 被引量:1

Supply capability of large-scale supply network chain based on vendor-selection
摘要 在产品供不应求的市场环境下,为了最大限度地满足市场需求,核心企业需要对供应链中的供应商组合进行选择,实现整个供应链网络的最大供应能力。为了有效地解决组合方案规模庞大、计算困难的问题,采用了嵌套的混合遗传算法对此问题进行优化,提出了一种计算大规模网络最大流的新算法。算例结果显示,该方法能够正确选择供应商组合,并求解网络的最大供应能力。 Under the circumstance that the supply falls behind the demand, in order to satisfy market demand as much as possible, the .core enterprises need vendor-selection in the supply chain to achieve maximum supplying capacity for the entire supply chain network. In order to solve the large-scale portfolio alternatives and the difficult calculation effectively, a nested hybrid genetic algorithm was used to optimize this issue. Meanwhile a new algorithm was presented for solving large-scale network maximum flow. The simulation results show that this method draws the right vendor-selection, and figures out the maximum supplying capacity for the network.
作者 蒋霁云 陈虎
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期490-494,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 大规模供应链网络 供应能力 供应商选择 混合遗传算法 large-scale network supply chain supply capability vendor-selection hybrid genetic algorithm
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