雷暴是电闪、雷鸣的强对流性风暴,雷暴的发生发展,时常伴随着大风、冰雹、暴雨等危险天气,严重威胁飞行安全。因此对于雷暴基本特征云间闪电进行监测报警十分必要。本文利用Visual C++6.0和地理信息系统(GIS)的组件技术进行二次开发,实现了对华北空管区域探测到的云间闪电信息以图像、声音形式的监测报警。
thunderstorm is severe convective storm, often accompanied by disastrous weather, such as lighting, strong wind, hail, tor- rential rain. All of that have baneful influence on air safety. So it is essential to monitor and warn the lighting. Visual C++ 6.0 and GIS (geographic information system)Component technology are introduced to monitor and warming the intro-cloud lighting which are detected in the region of North China air traffic control in the form of image and sound.
Control & Automation