
未知雷达辐射源分选的一种新方法 被引量:2

A Novel Method for Sorting Unknown Radar Emitter
摘要 为提高未知雷达辐射源的分选正确率,本文提出一种基于第二维相像系数(Cr2)和第四维小波包特征(Wpt4)相结合的分选新方法。对接收到的未知雷达辐射源信号,首先提取其Cr2和Wpt4,将Cr2和Wpt4作为分类依据,并利用基于核方法的模糊C-均值算法(KFCM)实现对未知雷达辐射源的分选。计算机仿真结果表明,新方法较传统的分选方法可以获得更高的准确率。 In order to improve the sorting correct rate of unknown radar emitter, a new method based on the second dimension of re- semblance coefficient(Cr2) and the fourth dimension of wavelet packet transform(Wpt4)is proposed in this paper. The Cr2 and Wpt4 is extracted firstly and used as the sorting basis when the unknown radar emitter signal is received, then the radar emitter sorting is re- alized by the fuzzy c-means algorithm based on kernel (KFCM). Simulation result shows that this new method can get higher correct rate than traditional method.
作者 汪毅
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第4期201-202,220,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 雷达辐射源分选 Cr2 Wpt4 KFCM Radar emitter sorting Cr2 Wpt4 KFCM
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