本文使用FPGA芯片来模拟实际的乒乓球游戏。本设计是基于Altera公司的FPGA CycloneⅡ芯片EP2C35的基础上实现,运用Verilog HDL语言编程,在QuartusⅡ软件上进行编译、仿真,最终在Altera公司的DE2开发板上成功实现下载和调试。
This paper uses the FPGA chip to design the ping-pong game machine. This design is based on the FPGA Cyclone II EP2C35 chip produced by the Altera Company. This design uses the Verilug HDL programming language and the soft of Quartus II to compile and simulation. It is successful to download and debug on the DE2 development board which produced hy the Altera Company.
Control & Automation