利用种子萌发试验对济南、鱼台、寿光三地的土壤种子库进行了研究。结果显示,济南、鱼台、寿光三地的土壤种子库密度分别为1 317.8±728.5粒/m2、1 043.4±289.4粒/m2、483.4±129.5粒/m2;种子库组成以矮小、生活史短的禾本科、菊科、十字花科和苋科的一年生杂草为主;共发现一年生草本植物31种,多年生草本植物9种,半灌木2种,分别占总种数的73.8%、21.4%和4.8%。三地的土壤种子库相似性较低,济南-鱼台、济南-寿光、鱼台-寿光的相似性系数分别为0.174、0.100、0.150。济南土壤种子库M argalef丰富度指数、辛普森多样性指数、香农-威纳指数和P ielou均匀性系数分别为2.695、0.553、1.22、0.42;鱼台为4.115、0.711、1.96、0.59;寿光为1.966、0.796、1.80、0.72。
This study on the size, composition and biodiversity of soil seed bank in Jinan, Yutai and Shouguang showed that the density of soil seed bank was 1 317.8 ± 728.5 grains/m^2 in Jinan, 1 043.4 ± 289.4 grains/m^2 in Yutai and 483.4± 129.5 grains/m^2 in Shouguang respectively. The seed banks were mainly composed of dwarfish and short - life annuals including Gramineae, Compositae, Cruciferae and Amaran- thaeeae. 42 species were found, among which, 31 were annuals, 9 were perennials, 2 were shrubs, accoun- ted for 73.8%, 21.4% and 4. 8% respectively. The index of similarity were 0. 174 between Jinan and Yutai, 0. 010 between Jinan and Shouguang and 0. 150 between Yutai and Shouguang. The Margalef index, Simpson' s diversity index, Shannon - Weiner index and index of Eveness were 2. 695,0. 553, 1.22, 0.42 in Jinan respectively, while those were 4. 115, 0. 711, 1.96, 0. 59 in Yutai, and 1. 966, 0. 796, 1.80, 0. 72 in Shouguang respectively.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences