目的对视网膜色素变性患者的闪光视网膜电图(flash electroretinogram,F-ERG)、图形视觉诱发电位(pattern visual evoked potential,P-VEP)及闪光视觉诱发电位(flash visual evoked potential,F-VEP)检查结果进行分析,揭示视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa,RP)患者视觉电生理检查的特征及视网膜色素变性患者的发病机制。方法使用罗兰RETIport电生理仪,记录视网膜色素变性患者43例86眼的F-ERG、P-VEP及F-VEP。结果受检的86只视网膜色素变性眼中,ERG中暗视视杆细胞反应为熄灭型者占83.7%、暗适应最大反应为熄灭型者占57%、明视视锥细胞反应为熄灭型者占57%、闪烁光反应熄灭型者占43%、Ops熄灭型者占62.8%;P-VEP无波形的患者占26.7%;F-VEP均引出波形。其中视力<0.3与视力≥0.3患者相比,各种电生理检查指标均有显著性降低。视力≥0.3患者的视力与各项电生理检查指标进行相关分析,均无相关性。结论RP患者的F-ERG各反应与VEP反应都有不同程度的改变。
Objective To analyze the results of visual electrophysiologic tests of patients with retinitis pigmentosa(RP) and further to reveal the pathogenesis of RPD. Methods Flash electroretinogram(F-ERG), pattern visual evoked potential(P-VEP) and flash visual evoked potential(F-VEP) of 43 patients(86 eyes) with RP were recorded using Roland RETIport visual electric system. Results Among patients scotopic rod response of F-ERG of overwhelming majority of eyes(83.7%) was non-detectable, while the maximum response, photopic response, flicker response and OPs were not recorded in 57%, 57%, 43% and 62.8% eyes respectively. No P-VEP waves were recorded from 26.7% eyes. F-VEP waves were detectable from all eyes. According to visual acuity all patients were divided into two groups and there were significant differences of ERG and VEP between them. Visual acuity was not correlated with any value of visual electrophysiologic tests. Conclusion ERG and VEP in patients with RP reveal characteristic changes.
Journal of Capital Medical University