Avidin-Biotin-HRP Complex-ELISA (ABC-ELISA) and conventional ELISA for assaying of cerebraspinal fluid(CSF) cysticercus antibodies (Abs)were carried out in 21 cerebral cysticercosis patients and 65 noncysticercosis patients. Results showedthat in the 21 patients group, the CSF cysticercus Abs positive rate via ABC ELISA was 90.5%, while that via the conventional ELISA was 81.0%; in both immun oassays, the geometrical mean titers (GMT) of cysticercus Abs were 1:66. 66 and 1:28.87 respectively (P<0.05), the sensitivity of ABC-ELISA was about 2.3 times as high as that of the conventional ELISA. Tt was revealed that ABCELISA bore a more lower false negative rate, and comparing with the conventional ELISA was more sensitive in pati■nts with a low CSF cystic ercus A■s level. No false positiv■ reacti■s were observed in CSFs of the 65 non-cysticercosis patients by using ■ither assaying method.
Ningxia Medical Journal