
先天性脊柱畸形合并泌尿生殖系统畸形发病情况及相关因素分析 被引量:6

Congenital abnormalities of genitourinary system associated with congenital vertebral malformations
摘要 目的了解先天性脊柱畸形患儿中泌尿生殖系统畸形的发生率并探讨其与多种因素之间的联系。方法选取2003年3月至2008年11月入院治疗的425例先天性脊柱畸形患儿,术前均行腹部B超了解泌尿生殖系统畸形情况、行脊柱CT了解脊柱畸形及脊柱内神经畸形、行心电图除外心脏异常,出现阳性结果行MRI及超声心动图以确诊。结果先天性脊柱畸形患儿中泌尿生殖系统的发生率为11.8%(50/425),其发病与胎次、母亲年龄、出生地差异、脊柱畸形的分类、侧弯部位、侧弯方向以及是否合并心血管畸形、椎管内神经系统畸形均无统计学关系。泌尿生殖系统畸形的患儿出生时父亲年龄较无泌尿生殖畸形的患儿父亲年龄大(P=0.018),合并泌尿生殖系统畸形的患儿较易合并肋骨畸形(P=0.011)。结论先天性脊柱畸形患儿合并泌尿生殖系统畸形的发生率较高,需引起临床高度重视,从而给予适当处理。 Objective To access the incidence of genitourinary anomaly in patients with congen- ial vertebral malformations. Methods 425 patient with congenital vertebral malformations managed in Beijing Children's Hospital between 2003. 3-2008. 8 were studied. All patients had abdominal ultra- sound, electrocardiogram, CT scan and a clinical assessment. MRI and echocardiography were done in patients who were suspected of intraspinal deformity or cardiac anomalies. Results The incidence of genitourinary anomalies was 11.8% (50/425). There was no association between genitourinary anom- alies and the place of birth, maternal age, level of spinal curvature, or the type or side of spinal anom- alies. However, the paternal age of the patients with genitourinary anomalies patient group were older than those without (p = 0. 18), and the patient with genitourinary anomalies were more likely to have a costal and chest deformities (p = 0. 011 ). Conclusions Congenital vertebral malformations are likely be associated with congenital genitourinary anomalies.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期27-29,共3页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 脊柱畸形 先天性 泌尿生殖系统畸形 发病率 Vertebral malformations, congenital Urogenital abnormalities Incidence
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