
荨麻疹患者外周血T细胞亚群与抗组胺疗效关系的分析 被引量:2

Relationship between peripheral blood T lymphocyte subpopulation and the efficacy of antihistamine treatment of urticaria
摘要 目的:确定外周血T细胞亚群与抗组胺治疗效果的关系。方法:用流式细胞仪检测48例急性荨麻疹患者和67例慢性荨麻疹患者外周血CD3^+、CD4^+、CD8^+T细胞值,分析其与抗组胺治疗效果间的关系。结果:急、慢性荨麻疹患者抗组胺治疗无效组CD3^+T细胞、CD8^+T细胞构成比低于治疗显效组(P<0.05),CD4^+/CD8^+比值高于治疗显效组(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义。结论:荨麻疹患者的抗组胺治疗效果可能与CD8^+T细胞增高有关。 Objective: To determine the relationship between subpopulation of T lymphocyte of peripheral blood and the efficacy of antihistamine treatment of urticaria. Methods: Percentage of CD3+ , CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was assayed by flow cytometry in 48 patients with acute urticaria (AU) and 67 patients with chronic urticaria (CU). The relationship between these indexes and the antihistamine treatment of urticaria was analyzed. Results: The percentage of CD3+ and CD8+ T cell was significantly lower in the patients who were resistant to antihistamine than in those who were sensitive to antihistamine, resulting in a higher ratio of CD4 +/CD8 + cells. Conclusion: The efficacy of antihistamine treatment in urticaria may be related to the level of CD8+ T cell in peripheral blood.
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2010年第1期14-15,共2页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
基金 广州市卫生科技项目资助(2008-YB-228)
关键词 荨麻疹 T淋巴细胞亚型 抗组胺治疗 urticaria T lymphocyte subpopulation antihistamine treatment
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