A new species of Acaridae,Schwiebea from Jiangxi Province is described.The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biological Science and Technology,Nanchang University(All measurements are given in micrometers). Schwiebea xianggangensis sp.nov.this mite resembles the Schwiebea (Jacotietta)isotarsis but differs in the following characters. Schwiebea xianggangensis sp.nov,the dorsal propodosomal shield,has a slightly concave posterior margin.rounded basal of receptaculum seminis.The third pair of genital setae of female is close to the second genital acetabula. Schwiebea (Jacotietta)isotarsis,the dorsal propodosomal shield has an one-third concave posterior margin,stalked basal of receptaculum seminis.The third pair of genital setae of female is well separated from the second genital acetabula. Holotype♂,Allotype♀,Paratype♂7,♀16.1995.V.15.xinjian,Nanchang (28°40′N,115°51′E).Jiangxi Province,taken from Allium chinensis,by Zhao Fengxia.
Journal of Nanchang University(Natural Science)