
三苯双脒和阿苯达唑治疗感染旋毛虫小鼠的疗效观察 被引量:10

Efficacy of Tribendimidine and Albendazole in Treating Mice Infected with Trichinella spiralis
摘要 目的观察三苯双脒和阿苯达唑对感染旋毛虫小鼠的疗效。方法将85只昆明小鼠(每鼠感染旋毛虫幼虫100条)分成3组,A组(成虫期,即感染后5d)、B组(幼虫移行期,即感染后15d)和C组(幼虫成囊期,即感染后35d)。A组小鼠35只,均分为7组,三苯双脒和阿苯达唑各治疗3组,两药给药剂量相同,分别为顿服6.25、12.5和25mg/kg,另设1组为对照组。B、C两组各25只小鼠,各均分为5组,三苯双脒和阿苯达唑各治疗2组,两药给药剂量相同,分别为100和200mg/(kg·d),另各设1组为对照组。A组小鼠治疗后2d处死,计数小肠内成虫。B、C两组小鼠连续治疗7d,治疗结束后15d处死,剖取全部膈肌,消化液消化,镜下计数幼虫。计算各组平均虫数和减虫率,统计分析各组治疗效果。结果A组,三苯双脒各组平均成虫数均显著少于对照组(P<0.01),减虫率分别为63.3%、86.2%和98.5%;阿苯达唑6.25和12.5mg/kg组的平均成虫数与对照组的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但25mg/kg组的平均成虫数则少于对照组(P<0.05),减虫率为41.2%。B组,两种药物平均虫数都显著少于对照组(P<0.01),三苯双脒治疗组减虫率分别为64.4%和89.6%,阿苯达唑组减虫率分别为56.7%和78.4%。C组,仅阿苯达唑200mg/(kg·d)组的平均幼虫(成囊期)数显著少于对照组(P<0.01),减虫率为71.8%,其余各组均无效。结论三苯双脒对小鼠旋毛虫成虫和移行期幼虫有较好的疗效,但对成囊期幼虫无效。较大剂量阿苯达唑对小鼠旋毛虫成虫、移行期和成囊期幼虫均有效。 Objective To observe the efficacy of tribendimidine and albendazole against Trichinella spirails in mice. Methods A total of 85 Kunming strain mice, infected orally with 100 T. spiralis larvae, was divided into 3 groups: group A (aduh stage, 7 d after infection), group B (migrating larva stage, 15 d after infection), and group C (encapsulated larva stage, 35 d after infection). Group A (35 mice) was equally divided into 7 sub-groups, tribendimidine and albendazole were each orally administered to 3 sub-groups both with doses of 6.25, 12.5, and 25 mg/kg respectively, the untreated sub-group served as control. Groups B and C (25 mice each) were both divided equally into 5 sub-groups. Mice in 2 sub-groups were treated respectively with the 2 drugs in a dose of 100 or 200 mg/kg, the untreated sub-group served as control. Mice in group A were sacrificed 2 d post-treatment and adult worms recovered from the small intestine were counted. Those in groups B and C were sacrificed 15 d post-treatment and intact diaphragm was then removed from each mouse. The muscle of diaphragm was digested by digestive solution and the larvae were counted by steromicroseope. Mean worm burden and mean worm reduction of each treated group were calculated and statistically compared with the control. Results The mean worm burden in sub-groups of group A treated with tribendimidine was significantly lower than that of the control (P〈0.01) with a mean worm reduction of 63.3%, 86.2%, and 98.5%, respectively. In the same batch of mice treated with albendazole at a single dose of 6.25 and 12.5 mg/kg resulted in similar mean worm burden compared to the control (P〈0.05). While in the sub-group received albendazole at a higher dose of 25 mg/kg, the mean worm burden was significantly lower than that of the control (P〈0.05), with a mean worm reduction of 41.2%. The mean worm burden in group B was significantly lower than that of the control (P〈0.01). The mean worm reduction in the 2 sub- groups treated with tribendimidine or albendazole was 64.4% and 89.6%, or 56.7% and 78.4%, respectively. In group C, sig- nificantly lower mean worm burden was only found in the subgroup treated with albendazole at a higher dose of 200 mg/kg than the control (P〈0.01) with a mean worm reduction of 71.8%. No effect was seen in the other 3 groups. Conclusion Tribendimidine exhibits potential effect against adult and migrating larva stage of T. spiralis in mice, but lacks effect against encapsulated larva stage of the parasite. Albendazole administered at a larger or multiple doses to mice en- dorses effect against its adult, migrating larva and encapsulated larva stages.
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期8-11,共4页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
基金 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所资助
关键词 三苯双脒 阿苯达唑 旋毛虫 成虫 幼虫移行期 幼虫成囊期 疗效 Tribendimidine Albendazote Trichinella spirails Adult stage Migrating larva Encapsulatedlarva ~ Efficacy
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