

Protein sequence analysis of lignin biosynthesis hct gene in poplar
摘要 利用RT-PCR从欧美杨107次生木质部中克隆出一709bp的hct基因片段,其开放阅读框为708bp,编码236个氨基酸,具有HCT共有的DFGWG序列和HXXXQ活性位点,拟表达蛋白含有一个二硫键,属于亲水性稳定型蛋白。克隆片段拟表达蛋白质没有信号肽,也没有跨膜结构域,包含α-螺旋区和少量β-折叠,具有比较多的无规则卷曲。 One 709bp hot gene was amplified from secondary xylem in poplar by RT-PCR, containing a 708bp ORF(open reading flame)which encoded 236 amino acids. The predict protein had the DFGWG sequence and HXXXQ motif common in HCT, and contained a disulfide bond, belonged to stable protein of hydropathicity. There was no signal peptide and trans-membrane domain, containing α-helices, a little β-strands and large number of random coils.
出处 《辽宁林业科技》 2010年第1期12-15,33,共5页 Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金(20062146)
关键词 HCT 序列分析 蛋白质结构预测 shikimate/quinate hydroxycirmamoyltransferase sequence analysis structure prediction
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