

Clinical Observation for the Management of CO_2 laser in Treatment of Laryngeal Premalignant Lesion
摘要 目的:探讨CO2激光对喉癌前期病变的治疗效果。方法:对82例经CO2激光在支撑喉镜下治疗喉癌前期病变的手术效果进行回顾性分析。结果:82例喉癌前期病变患者,其中慢性肥厚性喉炎47例,治愈率95.6%;喉角化症28例,治愈率96.2%;成人喉乳头状瘤7例,治愈率84.6%。结论:应用CO2激光手术切除喉癌前期病变疗效确切,能阻止其向恶性发展,达到治愈的目的。 Objective:To explore the curative effect of CO2 laser in treatment of laryngeal premalignant lesion.Methods: 82 cases of CO2 laser surgery for laryngeal premalignant lesion combined with supporting laryngoscope were analyzed retrospectively.Results: Among the 82 cases,there were 47 cases of chronic hypertrophic laryngitis with a cure rate at 95.6%,28 cases of keratosis of the larynx with a cure rate at 96.2%,and 7 cases of adult papilloma of larynx with a cure rate at 84.6%.Conclusion: The excision of laryngeal premalignant lesion by CO2 laser is very effective.It can prevent the lesion bfrom malignant tumor,achieued the objectioe to cure.
出处 《内蒙古医学杂志》 2009年第12期1452-1454,共3页 Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
关键词 CO2激光 喉癌前期病变 CO2 laser Laryngeal premalignant lesions
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