
术中液体治疗的研究进展 被引量:1

Progress in Research on Fluid Therapy During Stage of Surgical Anesthesia
摘要 术中液体治疗是维持有效血容量的核心内容,液体治疗的种类和输入量一直是临床争论的焦点。随着近年来对于不同种类液体生化性质和生物学特点的进一步了解和容量监测方法的改进,术中液体治疗有了新的变化。本文就术中液体治疗的研究进展作一综述。 ntraoperative fluid therapy is the core content to maintain availability blood volume,the kind of fluid therapy and quantity of import are always the bone of contention.With knowing biochemistry and biology of crystalloid and colloid solution,and developing of technique in monitor,this review introduces the progress in research on intra-operative fluid therapy.
出处 《内蒙古医学杂志》 2009年第12期1472-1475,共4页 Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
关键词 液体治疗 晶体液 胶体液 监测 Fluid therapy Crystalloid solution Colloid solution Monitoring
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