The total DNA of alkalophilic Bacillus sp.NTT36 and the vector plasmid pUC18(Amp r) were digested with restriction enzyme EcoRI, respectively. The pUC18 EcoRI fragment was ligated with the digested total DNA in vitro by using T 4 DNA ligase. The ligated products were transformed into E.coli HB101.The transformants were obtained from alkaline plates. About a 15 kb of recombinant plasmid(pGCA) was detected. To make sure, the plasmid pGCA was transformed into E.coli XL1 blue and DH5α again, and the alkalophilic transformants resistant to ampicillin were obtained in the transformants of E.coli XL1 blue and DH5. The recombinant plasmid was proved to composed of plasmid pUC18 and DNA fragmant from NTT36 by southern and blot hybridization method. The membrane proteins of transformants cultured at pH10.6 and 7.0, NTT36 at pH10.6, E.coli HB101,XL1 blue and DH5α at pH7.0, were extracted and run gradient SDS PAGE .Transformants cultured at pH10.6 have five special polypeptide bands which NTT36 also has, while E.coli and the transformants cultured at pH7.0 didn't have these five bands. The result showed that the alkalophilic gene from NTT36 was cloned and expressed in E.coli.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)